Second-hand Mattress For Your Home- Know Why It Is A Bad Idea
Many people buy second-hand home products due to various reasons. Either they have budget constrain, or they like to save money. With frequent work transfers, people sometimes prefer to buy things second-hand in the new city and sell their old stuff when they move. It's logical to save money when the second-hand stuff purchased is in good condition. Sometimes instead of selling, people give their used products to their friends or relatives. You may have or might be considering buying a used mattress. Or get a used mattress as a gift from your family or friend. However, you should never purchase a second hand mattress.
It is true purchasing a new mattress can be expensive. Therefore, to get something you want at a reduced price or for free is highly tempting. But even though you find it tempting, want to save money, or don't want to offend your family, don't use a second hand mattress. Using a second hand mattress is a terrible idea.
Why Never Use a Second-hand Mattress?
Getting stuff for free or at a bargain price is always alluring. You may have seen enticing advertisements of a hotel mattress for sale or a refurbished mattress at throw-away prices. But to buy mattress online that has already been used by someone or is refurbished is a terrible idea. Undoubtedly, the adverts for a hotel mattress for sale or a refurbished mattress for sale are genuine. Many hotels, when changing their décor or after a specific time, discard the old stuff and purchase new ones to provide the utmost comfort to their customers.
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Similarly, some brands clean or refurbish their dirty mattresses or mattresses returned by customers for some issues. Now, these brands and hotels sell these refurbished or second-hand mattresses at low prices. But, apart from the advantage of money saving, you to buy mattress online of such origin is not a judicious choice. Let's know why you shouldn't buy mattress online that has been used before by someone:
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Shorter LifeSpan
When you buy mattress online from a reputed brand, you know it will last several years. However, purchasing a second hand mattress will only be useable for a few years. Someone has already used the used mattress for a few years, so its life span has been shortened. And you may never know for how many years it has been used. So, you can get a mattress that may last a couple of years or less. You save money in the present but spend a larger amount in the future to buy mattress online again. Therefore, calculate the price of a new mattress with its several years of usage and then decide whether it's expensive.
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Hygiene Issues
Someone has used the old mattress you are planning to buy. So, there are high chances it has accumulated dust, bacteria, mould, mites, or bed bugs over the years. Even if your used queen mattress sports a new cover or feels comfortable, you will never know what hygiene issues it packs inside it. Mould, bacteria, bed bugs, or dust mites are hardly visible outside. You will only discover them after days of usage. Sometimes, their presence is known in the form of allergies, coughing, irritated skin, or other reaction triggered by their presence. As the used mattress's background is unknown, so is its cleanliness and hygiene. Therefore, chuck the temptation of saving money on that used queen mattress and buy mattress online for hygienic and healthy sleep.
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No Warranty
When you purchase a used mattress, there is no warranty in case of defects or other issues. Sometimes the previous owner sells their mattresses when the warranty expires. Or even if the mattress is still in the warranty period, you can only avail it if it is non-transferable. Even if you buy a refurbished mattress, the brand may not offer a warranty or a partial one. Warranty on mattresses is essential as it assures you that the mattress will last for a period. So, even if there is some issue with your used mattress, you can do nothing about it without a warranty or buy a new mattress.
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No Returns
When you buy mattress online from a reputed brand, you get the option of return if you don't find the mattress comfortable or satisfactory. Most brands even have the option of a trial period with a hassle-free return to ensure your satisfaction. However, you don't get these facilities when you buy a second hand mattress. You cannot use it for some days to check its comfort or return it when unsatisfied.
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Outdated Technology
With each passing year, newer technologies in mattress construction are introduced. There is no issue if the used mattress is a couple of years old. After all, you only buy mattress online. Sometimes a new mattress is launched. But, if the mattress you bought is from many years back, you will need more than the optimal comfort and support you need. Sometimes, the technology or construction of a mattress has a shelf life. So, even if you purchase a used mattress looking good, it may not offer the comfort you need.
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